Aaron was born in a city with the name of Zrthum, who’s people only care about two things, Food and Religion (Water for them counts as food). Zeloris is one of the evil gods who steals everything the humans needs, especially during the winter. Now, because of Zeloris, the food has been stolen and many people are starving. In order to regain the food, you need the Infinity Cheese, cheese is the symbol of food in their religion. Once you get the Infinity Cheese, you can get infinite food. Aaron is very famous person in the city, and people have a lot of hope for him. This game is not finished, it will update over time


arrow keys/AD for moving

up arrow/Space for jumping

Shift to run (i don't know if it works properly)


left and right  button for moving

jump button for jumping


29/12/2022: This game is now available for mobile... maybe, I haven't checked yet. I'll remind you when it is (it's now for mobile, thanks to MiguelTestDoo for testing)

01/01/2023: The 2 major bugs have been fixed, softblock and teleportation. The levels are now different the Juubler can now move (with some support)

02/01/2023: There are now two extra levels, one of them being made from my friend. You can also kill the Juubler if you want.

03/01/2023: One more nice level, very peaceful..... maybe. I also removed some speedrun tricks because my slogan is no skips, no speedruns. I want this game to be impossible to skip.

05/01/2023: Probably not a big update but I made a new level, and it's more longer than ever! We also have moving platforms and checkpoints.  That's all!

06/01/2023: Not a big update but now I fixed the gamepad problem and now it's compatible with a gamepad. WAD controls are supported (W = jump, A = left, and D = right) and by holding space, you can run faster, unfortunately, the fast run doesn't work on phone, I'll fix that later.

07/01/2023: The gamepad controls have changed, it's not wacky anymore, the D-Pad controls are left and right, and the jump button is A/B, I'm sorry if you're using a PlayStation controller, I didn't get that working yet. Not only that, there are now checkpoints, now you don't need to worry about starting over in level 6. Also, many players reported that aaron auto-jumps, so we added the jump button, now don't need to worry about auto-jumps.

08/01/2023: A new level select, I do warn you, if you have made lots of progress (especially in level 6) than do not go to the level select, you will lose all your progress

04/02/2023:  THIS IS THE ALMOST LAST UPDATE! I have added the last gimmick, the ice, it is very slippery,  bugs fixes and minor updates may come but it is least likely that there are major updates. The game is 99.99% finished. I am happy that one of my first games that I have made in itch.io is finished, very happy. Minor updates will happen though.

05/02/2023: So what I said yesterday was wrong, there will be major/minor updates coming up, the major update is that I am launching the IMPOSSIBLE SECTION! Basically after you finish the boss battle, the next 10 levels will increase in difficulty, so be prepared! And if you played this game, you probably found some flying axes, that's gone now, and we changed the controls. Instead of WAD, it's now Space, A, D and Shift to run! And I changed the opacity of the buttons so that you can actually see the first platform, I mean it was supposed to be a rage game but those crybabies always want things to get easier, so because I am kind, I'll give that

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authorsi am richierish, i maek gud games, MiguelTD
GenrePlatformer, Adventure
Made withConstruct
Tags2D, 8-Bit


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I was replaying the game (again, again) ad found some bugs (again):

  • you can skip level 15 by just, y'know, jumping in the flag
  • after level 15 you go to level 1 ("easy" mode) like it was level 16
  • in level 1 ("easy" mode) when you die you respawn dying, you can still complete it tho
  • level 4 ("easy" mode) is impossible (I think)
  • if you wait long enough, you can just skip levels without completing it
  • level 5 ("easy" mode) is impossible too (or maybe I'm just bad, still need to try some more times)
  • LOL I skipped again bro
  • after level 5 ("easy" mode) you go to the secret passage? is this level 21 or something?
  • there's no bye bye slide level I feel betrayed :cry:

I tried to beat the whole game without moving and 0 Deaths

you die at level 10 if you don't move

but I completed levels 1 - 9 without moving or dying

more of the no moving challenge

I completed level 10 with 3 deaths

he said my king is no here. but I thought the king was from ye olde LORE

I just got to level 13 and I need to close the tab, maybe I'm gonna redo it later

I was replaying your game (again) and I found some bugs:

-in level 4, you can't see the first platform because of the jump button

-I am still bad at level 5

-when you pass level 6, you go to a place saying "to be continued", I didn't knew that there was a level 7! is confusing

-In level 7, when you enter it there is a fireball that moves with aaron

-I shoot like 10 fireballs and my game just froze

1st, its supposed to be a rage game soooo
2nd, you're problem
3rd, i didn't know i updated the game, never realized that
4th, fireball cancelled lol




Is that from Jevil?

now you got it

I can't get past level 4, aaron spawns too close to the edge of the platform, the parkour is kinda hard, the blind jump in the end is not very player friendly and everytime I jump to get the flag, I hit the red thingie, this is impossible (I mean, after a lot of attempts (A LOT) I got it, only to discover that there is no level 5)

me updating the game have level 5: muahahahahahahaha

by the way i got the help from migueltestdoo
